What’s new in Microsoft Teams at Enterprise Connect 2019
Last week at Enterprise Connect in Orlando, Microsoft celebrated the second birthday of Teams. And of course, there were a few big announcements too. One of the most requested features has been Private Channels in Teams. You might be familiar with this scenario – you have a Team set up for your department, but need to share information with just a smaller group, like department leads. Rather than create yet another group (which in a large organization might get messy), a private channel would fit the bill. If you’ve been closing Outlook throughout the day and relying on Teams for your upcoming appointments, the meetings app leaves a little to be desired. This is due to be replaced by the Calendar app, which contains the same functionality as the meetings app, but presents a similar view to Outlook – so you can check out not only your day, but weekly calendar as well. One feature we’re really excited about is Live Captions. With live captions, you’ll be able to switch on...